Interview with Sodik Gbadamassi: This Year’s Superintendent’s Impact Award Winner

Interview with Sodik Gbadamassi: This Year's Superintendent's Impact Award Winner

Hayat Brahmer, Student Life Editor

This year is the first year MMSD presented the Superintendent’s Impact Award. The award recognizes four members of the MMSD community: an MMSD staff member, a teacher, a student, and a community member or group for their “efforts on behalf of MMSD students.” These people go above and beyond, are good role models, and make a positive impact in their school and community. 

In January, Superintendent Jenkins presented the student award to one of Memorial’s own: Sodik Gbadamassi. Sodik, an 11th grader, was “shocked and speechless” when he received the award. Sodik has been a part of the MMSD community since fifth grade and believes it to be a great diverse community. Sodik says that he “really feels like (he) belongs and is accepted in this community.” He has made many good relationships with the staff and his friends and he hopes to continue these relationships throughout his life. Sodik has made many of these relationships due to his contribution to our school community. At Memorial, Sodik is vice president of the Black Student Union club, an officer for the Multicultural club, is on the Prom Committee, is a part of the Restorative Justice club, and does Track and Field. Sodik is not just an active member of the school community but also of the Madison community. Outside of school, Sodik is a part of the PEOPLE Program, HOBY planning, Black Leaders In Plain Sight, and is on the Madison Police Department Youth Advisory Board. Besides all of his volunteering and activism, Sodik also works at Target and Urban Air, and goes to the gym. It has taken hard work and a kind heart to do all of these activities, but Sodik is more than happy to do them. 

This award is so important because it has recognized Sodik’s impact and achievements in school and the community. Sodik plans on going to a four-year college and he believes that this award will also help him with this goal. He says, “It’s only up from here!” 

Sodik has had one main inspiration in his life, and that is his mother. Sodik’s mother is a hardworking single mom who was born and raised in Benin, West Africa. She was unable to go to high school and did not have the same opportunities that Sodik had in her childhood. Sodik says that this has inspired him “to always do good in school.” Sodik also takes inspiration from this quote from Giannis Antetokounmpo, “ You can never forget where you came from.” 

The award has also given Sodik the opportunity to learn more about himself.  Sodik reflected that “this award has taught me how passionate I am in being successful, my determination and willingness to help others and to strive for greatness.” 

Interviewing Sodik for this article and learning about all he has done and is doing, it is more than clear that the Superintendent’s Impact Award was given to the right person. I leave you with an encouraging quote from Sodik himself, “Stay positive, determined, and consistent in what you want to do!”