Good news, Spartans–we only have one five-day week in all of March! All students have no school on March 7 for parent-teacher conferences, March 10 for a staff professional learning day, and, for everyone except juniors, March 11 will be an asynchronous learning day for the ACT. Then, we will have spring break from March 24-28! This means most students will have a five-day weekend from March 7-11, and although juniors have the ACT on the 11th, they’ll still be able to enjoy a four-day weekend. For those juniors who might be feeling nervous about the ACT, here are some tips to keep in mind!
- Don’t cram–use your long weekend to study.
- Try practice tests under testing conditions.
- Charge your Chromebook the night before.
- Get a good night’s rest.
- Eat a nourishing breakfast (staff will be cooking breakfast on the 11th at school!).
- Use the method of elimination.
- Read carefully.
- Make guesses; there’s no penalty for them!
- Skip questions you don’t immediately know the answer to.
- Check over answers if you have extra time.
Enjoy your days off, Spartans, and for juniors, good luck on the ACT!