As Demonstration of Learning week is quickly approaching, we’ve gathered some test-taking tips to keep in mind as you take your exams and retakes!
Before the test:
- Don’t cram
Although it may be tempting to procrastinate studying a semester’s worth of content the night before your test, science proves that it only makes it harder for you to learn and remember the information you need. It also has negative effects on your stress levels and sleep, so be sure to spread out your studying so that you’re not left scrambling last minute.
- Study smart
If you want to feel prepared, do more than just read over your notes! Practice active recall and do practice tests and review worksheets from your teachers or online. Find a quiet space where you can focus on studying, but remember to take breaks too.
- Eat a healthy breakfast
Your brain needs fuel to operate properly and perform well on a test, so a healthy and balanced breakfast is key to getting that A. Drink lots of water and have a meal high in protein and low in sugar, which will help you stay satiated and prevent a sugar crash.
- Get support from teachers, tutors, and classmates
Don’t forget about all the people and resources around you! Make study groups with your friends and ask teachers and tutors for help. Simply talking through a problem with others can help you solve it.
During the test:
- Read the question carefully
You may think you’ve heard this one far too many times, but reading every word in a question carefully will help you know what you need to do. Pay attention to exactly what the question is asking you!
- Answer questions you know first
If you find yourself staring at a problem you have no idea how to solve, don’t worry—just skip over it and do the problems you know how to do first. After all, it’s better to have finished all the questions but one than to have spent the entire time on one question, just to not finish it.
- Ask questions
The worst thing that can happen if you ask your teacher a question on a test is that they can’t answer it. So, if you’re unclear about a question, ask your teacher to clarify or explain it further!
- Check your work
If you have extra time when you’re done, don’t just turn the test in. Take a few minutes to look over your work to find any mistakes. Getting a second look at a problem can often help you find instructions you missed or small things you forgot!
Remember that preparation and a positive mindset are crucial to performing well on your exams. Take a deep breath on exam day and trust the hard work you’ve put in this semester. Good luck to everyone on your tests for DoL week!