As time went by in 2024, few animated movies were released this year. When the new Inside Out sequel came out in June, there were many low expectations because of the amount of terrible animated sequels in this modern-day. But the movie’s perception is wonderful because of the number of young teenagers and adults connected to the film by the experience of getting older.
From the introduction of the movie, we get to see the main character Riley has grown character so much from comparing the first movie. For example, her character design, and her personality was expanded upon, including her interests, as well as her hockey skills. She has even adapted to her surroundings.
As the movie progresses, the other characters from the first movie Inside Out have a more developed character bonding. For example, the emotion Joy used to be self-absorbed and didn’t think other emotions mattered, but everything changed the moment when she learned other emotions were as important as her. To give an example, all of Riley’s memory orbs have two colors of emotions together and it shows all memories have a variety of emotions. Riley has even developed her self-thought as time goes by.
Additionally the representation of other emotions, beliefs, and body growth. dive deeper into emotion. We have seen 4 new emotions, that being Anxiety, Embarrassment, Envy, and Ennui are all features that teenagers develop. These show more complicated emotions as a person starts to develop in Riley’s head. Body growth is difficult to explain without making it sound like it’s the end of the world, but it has shown in the movie the common features that all kids have when they grow up, like acne, smell, hair, and body changes. These are great representatives for any age or young teenager who is insecure about their body.
This movie is underrated in my opinion because it has deeply connected a young teenage person who went over these dramatic growths of a person. It had some hilarious moments and showed that any kids who are facing these traumatic experiences of growing up and having insecurity about themselves are not alone. The detail and the animation of the movie are beautiful. I recommend this movie to anyone interested in “Sense of Self” and animated movies.