“It’s the most wonderful time of the year ” It’s December, which means winter break,snow, and holidays with family! Now everyone may have different opinions on which of those things actually make it a wonderful time of the year or if it makes it the worst time of year….But hopefully you’re excited for the snow,school break, and seeing your family! Another great part about this time of year is decorating! Whether it’s decorating your house, your room, or even decorating your notebooks bored in class it’s a fun way to pass time! Not only is it fun, but it can also act as a stress reliever. So if you’re stressed about homework or tests coming up before winter break and end of semester, take a break and do some decorating! Here are some great easy ideas for decorating this December!
- Snowflakes: You can cut out a snowflake the old fashioned way on paper or if you don’t want to waste the paper there are online ways you can make snowflakes too!
- Food Decor: