The show Hannah Montana aired from 2006-2011, featuring the main characters Miley Cyrus as Miley Stuart, Hannah Montana as Hannah Montana, Emily Osment as Lily Truscott, and Mitchel Musso as Oliver Olken. Although everyone on the show seemed to be very close, it was different behind the scenes. Miley, Emily, and Oliver got along and were friends throughout the show, but Hannah caused numerous problems on set, according to sources. Miley and Hannah had the most problems out of everyone.
Hannah Montana was balancing her career as an actor in the show and as a world pop star in real life. According to an interview with Miley Cyrus, “Hannah was clearly more focused on her musical career and that was reflected on set.” Cyrus stated that when the rest of the crew was working together or hanging out outside of the set, Hannah avoided them at all costs. It “made them (Emily and Miley) dread going on set when Hannah was there”.
Hannah had a reputation for being demanding and controlling, often insisting on having everything done her way. She would criticize Miley’s acting choices and constantly belittle her in front of the rest of the cast and crew. Miley tried her best to brush off Hannah’s harsh words and focus on her performance, but it was hard not to let them affect her confidence. She began to dread coming to set every day knowing that she would have to endure Hannah’s constant negativity.
As the weeks went by, Miley found herself growing more and more disillusioned with the glamorous world of Hollywood. She had always imagined that working on a TV show would be exciting and fulfilling, but instead, it had become a source of stress and anxiety. Miley says that because she started at such a young age, being surrounded by the negativity deeply “affected her identity and confidence in herself.”
After season two, Miley reached her breaking point. She realized that she couldn’t continue to subject herself to such toxicity day in and day out. Miley and her family brought up their concerns to the producers and threatened to leave the show if the situation was not handled properly. The producers promised they would talk to Hannah but claimed they could not remove her from the set as the production of Hannah Montana: The Movie was already in the works.
The producers tried to schedule Miley and Hannah to come to set on different days but once filming of Hannah Montana: The Movie started this was not possible. During the production of the film, the other co-stars began to dread working with Hannah as well. Many felt that her “ego made it impossible to work.” In the last few weeks of filming, the producers informed Hannah that they would have to let her go due to her consistent attitude on set.
For season four of Hannah Montana, Miley Cyrus played both Hannah and Miley Stuart. This is why in season four, Hannah and Miley look so similar and why in the end Miley reveals that she is Hannah Montana. This was only done so the look similarity would be more ‘justified.’ After the end of the show, Miley continued her successful music career and won her first Grammy in 2024.