Vote on the MSG2TEENS Driving Safety Contest Winner!

Courtesy of Ruby Anderson

Sophia Jiang and Anvika Annyapu

Last day to vote!
We hope you voted!

Vote once a day for your fellow Spartans for the best MSG2TEENS Driving Safety Contest video! Two VPM teams both made videos that you can vote for every day from all email accounts! Team 1 consists of Oscar Jimenez, Hao Luong, and AJ Ketarkus, while Team 2 is Ruby Anderson. Vote until 1/18, 2023. Each member of the winning team will receive $500, a $1500 grant for their school, and other great prizes from supporting sponsors of Fox47.

Vote here now!

Watch the videos:

Team 1 (Oscar, Hao, AJ)

Team 2 (Ruby Anderson)